Monday, December 5, 2011

DNA Testing Reveals Construction Worker Was John Wayne Gacy Victim

Police and investigators have waited for time to pass and technology to improve so that they can help identify bodys found under the Gacy home.  A website and hotline was setup for people to file reports and dna based on missing men in the 1970s that may have been killed by Gacy.

It will revealed that George Bundy was one of the 8 unidentified men found under John Gacy's home.  It only took a few weeks after police ask for samples for Bundy to be identified.
John Wayne Gacy

DNA Testing was the only way to identify Bundy's body since there were no dental records available.  The dentist for Bundy went out of business and dental records were destroyed.

Advancements in DNA testing has made testing more accurate with much faster results than in the past.


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